VYO Winter Concert – scores and recordings!

For the VYO Winter Concert, here is a guide to some online resources and favorite recordings!

Franck, Symphony in D-Minor


PDF: via IMSLP (the single movement scans are better quality than the complete score scan)

Dover reprint: purchase via Amazon

Fancy-pants: The Breitkopf critical edition is quite nice, but not revelatory (via Juilliard Bookstore)

Hard core: View Bernstein’s score from the NY Phil digital archive!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I0scAMBz9g (not quite the entire first movement, Bernstein & Orchestra Nationale de France)


Index of recordings in print at Arkivmusic.com

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xVMfD_V3ac (in 5 parts, Carlo Maria Giulini/Philharmonia Orchestra, 1959)

One of the greatest recordings of any piece by anyone: Pierre Monteux conducting the Chicago Symphony (not available on ITunes, unfortunately)

Other recommended recordings: Muti & Philadelphia, De Sabata & NYPO.

Rossini, Overture to La Gazza Ladra (aka The Thieving Magpie, Die diebische Elster)


Edition note: Rossini’s authentic version is scored for a single trombone and two snare drums; the more frequently heard German edition has a full low brass section and one snare drum part. We are playing the German edition with corrections to dynamics and articulations that bring it closer to Rossini’s original; we also will use the original version’s percussion scoring.

PDF (of German edition): via IMSLP

Dover reprint (of German edition): For purchase via Amazon (includes 5 overtures). These are the “old school” German reorchestrations. Flashy but inauthentic.

Ricordi critical edition: For purchase via Compumusic (includes 6 overtures). Edited based on original sources using contemporary musicological standards; worth having.


Abbado on New Year’s Day 1991 with Vienna Phil

The Dude with Vienna Phil


Fascinating recording of Sergiu Celibidache conducting the Curtis Orchestra at Carnegie Hall in 1984. Note the testimonial from one of the performers (David McGill, principal bassoon of Chicago SO) in the comments below the clip

Arkivmusic.com index — can’t go wrong with Abbado or Muti

Happy listening/viewing!

— Jeff

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