The Last Minute

Yesterday was the last full rehearsal day at the Music Center. The mood was decidedly upbeat. In between large sections of music one could hear Troy’s voice bobbing up and down in volume and the laughter of the students on stage.

Late in the afternoon, the students gathered for VYO senior recognition – kind of an annual ritual Troy holds whether the orchestra is touring or not. He singles out each senior, acknowledges his or her work in the orchestra and awards each student with a certificate. He also relates anecdotes about his experiences with each student – in most cases, these are hilarious tales. He ended the afternoon reminding the orchestra members of their upcoming  musical mission, “You are going to change lives with this music, so remember to be great!”

Afterwards, the students met their chaperones, posed for a few parting “Bon Voyage” photos, enjoyed pizza and attended a French cultural training session.

The sheet music and percussion are packed. The taxi horns (for An American in Paris) are bubble-wrapped. After this evening’s concert at the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, it really is Bon Voyage.

Lisamarie Charlesworth, VYOA Marketing Director

(Photos: Caroline Whiddon & David Yandell)

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