Le Tour Arrive!


The VYO summer tour of Québec and France is fast approaching. Tour rehearsals begin on June 29. Students are beginning to think about the sheer excitement of traveling and performing music together in four breathtaking locations that formed the path of Samuel de Champlain’s voyage four hundred years ago.


Eglise de la Madeleine, Paris

After the tour kickoff concert at the Flynn Center, where Troy Peters will bid a fond adieu to Vermont, the orchestra will perform at the beautiful Palais Montcalm in Old Québec City, founded in 1608 by de Champlain. From there, the students depart for Paris. It simply does not get better than performing at L’église de la Madeleine – or – experiencing first-hand what Gershwin may have felt and heard before inspired to compose An American in Paris. From Paris, it’s on to the quiet coastal town of Fouras, where the group will glimpse a more serene style of life, and hopefully enjoy an amazing meal of fruits de la mer.  The tour culminates in historic Poitiers; a city filled with remnants of medieval riches, now bustling with university students and academic life. In Poitiers, the VYO will meet alumnus Drake Mabry (VYO-oboe, ’67). Drake was commissioned to write Prelude and Tango specifically for this tour, so it is fitting that we would give our final concert in his town.  Prior to the concert, the orchestra will be treated to a farewell dinner, hosted by the mayor and other dignitaries. Afterwards, the orchestra will perform their final concert on a specially built stage in the breathtaking Palais de Justice, which dates to the 10th century.

Ten VYO students will be documenting the tour on this blog, submitting posts and photos on a regular basis. From concert halls to cafés, poutine to café au lait, the VYO will take you into their Canadian and French experiences with gusto and a unique perspective. We invite you to visit our blog frequently, and hope that you are inclined to comment on what you read and see!

A bientôt….

Lisamarie Charlesworth
VYOA Marketing Director

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