Craig Olzenak
63 Sandy Lane
Burlington, VT, 05408
Craig will start this school year (2021-22) offering virtual lessons via Zoom. Enjoy quality lessons from the safety of your own home. He has taught music for over 40 years and recently retired from teaching in the Burlington Public Schools. Craig regularly performs with the Vermont Symphony Orchestra. He has a BS degree in Music Education from the University of Minnesota and his MM Degree in clarinet performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. His principal teachers include Alan Balter and Rosario Mazzeo. Craig can be heard on a variety of CDs including: What Story: Chamber Music of Thomas L. Read (USA-ACA Recordings), Triple Doubles (Bridge Records), Trey Anastasio’s Seis de Mayo (Elektra), Trey Anastasio (Elektra), Music of David Gunn (Albany Records), Vermont Symphony Orchestra Commemorative CD (VSO), Music from Terezin (Arabesque), and Chamber Music for Clarinet by Rick Sowash (Gasparo). He lives in Burlington’s New North End with his wife, Amanda, and their dog, Carmina.